The international snow camp is an outdoor education camp for Jr.highschool students in Yamagata prefecture, Japan. Participants learn the diversity and leadership through our outdoor programs in English.
27th March - 2nd April 2022
6 nights 7 days
Gread 7 - 9
Maximum 15 students
JPY198,000 (incl. 10% tax)
Including 6 nights of accommodation and meals.
Programs include mountain trekking, avalanche beacon training, igloo building, and other outdoor and indoor programs.
Pro mountain guides consult and implement all the outdoor programs.
International students who study in Japan join our camp as camp leaders. Previous camp leaders have come from Sophia Uni, Waseda Uni, UWC ISAK Japan, Sendai Ikuei IB course, etc.
For non native English speakers, it is ideal to have A1 level or more to communicate with other participants and camp leaders.
Camp leaders don't speak Japanese. Participants and camp leaders will communicate with each other in English
We focus on not only English skills but also pragmatic leadership and diversity programs.
The common language between camp leaders and participants is English as everyone has come from various countries.
Students must speak in English in the dining room, class, and public places except for emergencies.
To spark conversations, participants should ask at least three questions to camp leaders during meal times.
Phone and other electronic devices are not allowed in public places such as the dining room to avoid disrupting conversations.
This camp promotes three major skills that will be beneficial in the future.
All programs in this camp focus on leadership skills. Participants will practice different aspects of leadership through activities and outdoor programs.
With the outdoor programs, participants will be able to practice decision making in both regular and emergency situations.
As this camp has camp leaders coming from a variety of countries, it will be a good opportunity to experience diversity through learning about different languages, cultures, and religions.
All programs in this camp focus on leadership skills.
With camp leaders coming from different cultures, participants will be able to understand the different perspectives through the experiences of the programs and activities.
Participants will learn how to work together as a team through the program in order to achieve a shared goal.
Participants will learn to be able to find a common ground through conversations to avoid conflicts in relationships.
All programs are supported and led by pro-mountain guides. Mountain guides not only teach useful skills to students, but also keep students’ safety all the time.
Participants will become a leader of a group and lead members to the mountain top. They will use compasses and map skills they learnt before trekking. Participants will have the experience to overcome conflict with other team members.
Avalanche rescue is a battle with a time restriction. In general, a human can survive only 15minits in an anaerobic environment.
When participants encounter an avalanche accidents who leads the team? How does the team support a leader? …. Participants will acquire the skill of emergency decision making and leadership.
The igloo building (snow dome) program will focus on team building. Participants learn how to decide on a goal and move forward to achieve that said goal. Random digging is not efficient. The key skill is to swap roles within in your team.
First, participants will look for blocks (which have English words on them), in the snowfield. After that, each team will make a story with the words they found. This game requires planning skills for finding the blocks and an imaginative skill for story making.
Date : 2022, Jan, 26th(wed) 21:00-21:45
Place : Google Meet
Fee : Free of charge
Please read all the contents of the application guidebook before making a booking for our camp.